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In 2007, during the construction work of the Amatitán-Huejuquilla el Alto highway, the government of Jalisco buried the sacred site of the Wixárola known as "Paso del Oso", between Tenzompa and Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlán. This happened at the beginning of the term of former governor Emilio González Márquez, who did not have the manifestation of environmental impact.
“Let’s Talk About Hikuri” (‘Hablemos de Hikuri’) is a project that was designed to create spaces for dialogue about hikuri (Lophophora williamsii), or peyote, in order to provide debates and reflections on the use and consumption of this cactus and consider proposals for its protection and use.
Round Table Discussion - September 11th & 12th 2020. Since the mining concessions were announced in 70% of the Wirikuta Natural Protected Area, a sacred territory for the Wixárika people and peasant peoples, a diverse and complex transnational struggle has been articulated. We want to reflect on what has been achieved, what the threats continue to be and how we can collectively work to defend this sacred land... Watch the videos of this event

     Hello, my name is Xóchitl Xitlalic Chanes Aguilar, a student of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, and a native of the Indigenous community of Rosa Morada, Nayarit. In my experience, I think it is important to support Indigenous youth who are low income because sadly we are the most vulnerable population but also one that has the most desire to move ahead.

In April, I joined the two-day Psychedelic Liberty Summit, where the voices of several Indigenous participants from Colombia, Brazil, and several tribal nations in the United States discussed their concerns over the parallel trends in decriminalization efforts and the expansion of the use of sacred plant medicines. These medicines and the cultural practices that have sustained their safe and sustainable use are now, more than ever, being consumed by a global public, and many Indigenous peoples argue that these plants and their spiritual practices are being appropriated while their native territories continue to be encroached upon for other global consumption items like minerals, fuel, and beef.
By Dulce García — On March 19, in Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, 50-year-old Paulina Gómez Palacio Escudero was reported missing and on March 22, the Attorney General of Zacatecas confirmed that she was located in the municipality of El Salvador the body of a woman from the neighboring state of San Luis Potosí.

MEXICAN WATER, Ariz. —  For Navajo spiritual leader Steven Benally, saving a Native American religion from extinction means preserving those diminishing lands where hallucinogenic peyote grows wild. “It’s a small but important step toward realizing a prophecy,” said the 61-year-old. Preservation also means battling activists in the California Bay Area and other cities who want to legalize consumption of the psychedelic cactus. “To these outsiders, we say, ‘Leave peyote alone. Please,’” Benally said. “Is that too much to ask?”

COMMUNICATION REGARDING CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 The communities that make up the Wixárika Regional Council for the defense of Wirikuta express our great concern about the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. The foregoing, mainly because historically we have not been guaranteed adequate access to healthcare. Throughout the state and federal governments, over the years, the Wixaritari communities have constantly denounced, and without favorable response, the lack of access to adequate health facilities, specialized doctors, medicines, and basic supplies. Let us remember the context of remoteness that exists between our communities in relation to the nearby municipal seats.

Mezquitic, Jalisco, February 2020.-  A historic day was lived in the ceremonial center of Las Latas, municipality of Mezquitic, in the indigenous community of Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlán, where the ancestral culture has been preserved, where its girls and boys They communicate in the Wixárika language and women and men wear their colorful clothing on a daily basis. It is here that the wise elders are venerated, the territory is preserved with its sacred places and the universe is respected.

The catalog "Great Masters of Wixárika Art, Juan Negrín Collection", which includes in its pages modern Wixárika works of art and texts that delve into the collection of the same name, was presented on January 11th by authorities of the Jalisco Ministry of Culture (SC).