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The Huicholes, who call themselves Wixarika, make pilgrimages to their ceremonial place in the Sierra Madres across the Chihuahua desert to Leunar in Mexico, their sacred mountain where the sun first rose. A Canadian mining company, First Majestic Silver Corporation, plans to exploit and mine this area. The company is planning to use cyanide to mine the sacred region. This disastrous mining will destroy the ecosystem and the sacred places of the Wixarika.

With the right that freedom of expression gives me and the communal statute as a member has given me, I give myself the opportunity to write a personal opinion about the future of the Indigenous Community of San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán and its Annex of Tuxpán, the community that has given me a space in which to live, where to develop myself and that in gratitude I would like to express my sentiments for the space and for Our Mother Earth, Ta Tei Yurienaka.

Integrantes de pueblos wixaritari señalaron que están a la espera de la sentencia final del juicio de amparo que desde 2010 mantienen para la protección de Wirikuta en el estado de San Luis Potosí, un sitio sagrado y parte fundamental de su cosmovisión. Esta mañana sesionó el Consejo General Wixárika donde señalan que seguirán con la defensa de este territorio, que es amenazado por intereses de empresas mineras. “Exigimos que se dé atención prioritaria al asunto legal y se exige que la decisión del juez sea acorde al marco jurídico internacional en materia de derechos fundamentales de los p

After four years of struggle, the Wixárika community of San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán in Mezquitic, Jalisco, will directly receive federal resources to manage amongst themselves without the intervention of local officials or political parties. And they will do so with women at the table under an agreement of gender parity, a rarity among Indigenous governments and, indeed, governments in general.

Mario de la Cruz Carrillo is a native of  Arroyo de Cañaveral, a small community in the Municipality of Nayar in the state of Nayarit. He graduated with a degree in mathematics from the Autonomous University of Nayarit in the Spring of 2023. Mario is very interested in working toward the creation of a curricular mathematics program that can better engage Wixarika youth utilizing innovative pedagogical practices so that students may find both enjoyment and relevance in the subject.

“We are here to reaffirm that we are still standing, resisting, defending what belongs to us.” Sitlali Chino Carrillo
My name is Bianca América Enríquez López, I am from Bajío del Tule, which is part of the community of San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlan, in the state of Jalisco. I am a proud Indigenous Wixárika woman, and three years ago I moved to Guadalajara in search of new opportunities and to study law (Bianca América (Tanima) Enríquez López is a 2020 law graduate from the Universidad Enrique Rebsamen).