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El ex presidente Ernesto Zedillo reconoció abiertamente haberse equivocado en la política de prohibición, represión y criminalización de drogas ejecutada durante su gobierno (1994-2000), en lugar de haber optado por regular su consumo.

Abstract: Since 2010, the Wixarika (Huichol) indigenous people of western Mexico have struggled against transnational mining activity in their sacred pilgrimage site of Wirikuta in the semi-desertic plateaus of San Luis Potosi. This struggle has been accompanied by a multitude of non-indigenous and largely urban actors who have joined the Wixarika, bringing with them their own cultural, political and geographic registers for understanding and mobilizing against mining in the region.

My name is Osbaldo Cosío González, I am from the Wixárika community and town of Pueblo Nuevo, Santa Catarina “Tuapurie”, municipality of Mezquitic, Jalisco. I am currently a student at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS) in the Medical Surgeon-Midwifery program at the University of Guadalajara. The books for this program are very expensive and sometimes I find it difficult to get them.
El presente documento hace pública la opinión de los miembros de la Mesa Técnica Ambiental del Frente en Defensa de Wirikuta Tamatsima Wahaa y de un grupo de cientificos e investigadores asesores con gran trayectoria nacional e internacional, respecto a la posibilidad de que el lugar sagrado de Wirikuta sea declarada una Reserva Biósfera,publicado por el gobierno federal mexicano a través de la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP),
Cada año, miembros del pueblo Wixárika hacen el peregrinaje de 800km desde San Andrés Cohamiata en la Sierra de Jalisco hasta el desierto semi-árido de San Luis Potosí. Su destino es Wirikuta, un lugar sagrado donde, según sus creencias, el mundo fue creado de una gota de agua.
In the heart of Mexico, the Wirikuta region is not only a territory, but a symbol of spiritual and cultural connections that the Wixárika people (commonly known as Huichol) maintain with the land, a subject that is little talked about, but that it is necessary to know.
The 18th through the 20th centuries easily mark one of the most significant periods in human and environmental history, as Western European imperial expansion and settler colonialism incentivized the study and the incorporation of the botanical wonders found in what often came to be labeled as ‘the tropics.’

"The recognition and struggle for the rights of rural women to access land remains a great feat for consolidating and guaranteeing equality of conditions. The structural barriers and the discriminatory social norms still limit the power that rural women have to participate en their own communities. " 

Read the full article written by Xaurima Siitlali Chino Carrillo here.

A group of Wixarika women send a letter to the head of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, Nemesio Oceguera Cervantes, to ask for his intervention in the wave of violence and extortions in the northern region of Jalisco.