
Art is a daily part of the lives of the Wixarika people and it takes many forms such as weaving, embroidery, beadwork, votive offerings, chairs, basketry, musical instruments and sculptures. Explore this website to see fine examples of these traditional expressions and the work of the extraordinary yarn painters that make up the Negrín Family collection.
Modern Art
Presented in modern art are the biographies of five renowned yarn painters: Y+ka+ye K+kame (José Benítez Sánchez), Tutukila (Tiburcio Carrillo Sandoval), Ketsetemahé Teukarieya (Guadalupe González Ríos), Tauxi Mutuani (Juan Ríos Martínez), and Yauxali (Pablo Taizán de la Cruz). We dedicate a page to each one of these extraordinary artists who produced their key works between 1970 and 1990. The link "yarn-paintings" will direct you to a gallery with some of their most inspired and beautiful works. We also highlight fine examples of contemporary beadwork in the form of jewelry, paintings, and other objects.
Traditional Art
Included under the heading of traditional art, we have two pages dedicated to textiles. Under weaving, you will find rare examples of finely woven items such as men's shirts, shoulder bags, belts and headbands, some of which were made with naturally dyed wool. Under embroidery, you can view items embroidered using three unique stitches, many of which were made using a two-point stitch (punta de oro) which is the finest stitch possible. Other examples of traditional art include the shaman's chair, the three legged drum, hats, baskets, masks, and arrows.
Sacred Art
In sacred art we include votive offerings, temples, shrines, and sculptures photographed in the field by Juan Negrín during the 1970's, 1980's and early 1990's. Also shown are stone statues (memute) and stone disks (teparite) commissioned and collected by Juan Negrín in the early 1980's.
Art Catalogues
Most of the catalogues that were printed for museum exhibits are no longer available so we have scanned them and now make them available on this website free of charge.
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