
According to state authorities, in less than a month the first results will be obtained for restitution of 110 thousand hectares demanded by the Wixaritari.

The federal and state authorities yesterday offered their political will to disactivate land conflicts in Huichol Indigenous communities in the north of Jalisco through the gestation of judicial authorities to achieve in a short and medium period of time the restitution of 110 thousands hectares of invaded communal land.

Read full Spanish language article here.

El Instituto Nacional Indigenista señalo que lo ocurrido en los albergues infantiles de la zona huichol, no se puede considerar, de acuerdo a los especialistas, como una epidemia, ya que no es un problema de tipo infecto-contagioso, ni tampoco de un brote de locura, ya que los signos y síntomas que presentan los niños, no son compatibles con esas anormalidades.

Editorial about the investments made for electric cable installation throughout the Wixarika sierras during the presidency of Vicente Fox Quezada. In this case, it is argued that the alternative of solar panels is better because of its lesser ecological footprint and cost, but also because of the negative cultural implications of electrification.

Santiago Ixcuintla, México David De la Cruz, a Huichol Indian farmworker, was harvesting tobacco last month when a crop duster flew overhead, dousing him with toxic pesticides. De la Cruz vomited for three days, but he never thought to see a doctor.