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Pablo Taizán de la Cruz is also known by his Huichol name, Yauxali, which means The Garment of Our Father (Sun).
José Benítez Sánchez was born in 1938 on a ranch called San Pablito in Nayarit and given the name Yikaiye Kikame, “Silent Walker,” in the Wixarika language.
Guadalupe González Ríos, Ketsetemahé Teukarieya, or “Godson of the Mounted Iguanas,” was born on December 12, 1923 in the Huichol settlement of Carretones de Cerritos, Nayarit.
Juan Ríos Martínez is known in Huichol as Tauxi Mutuani, or “Painted Red.”. He told me he was given this name at birth in 1930 because of his skin pigmentation.
Tiburcio Carrillo Sandoval was born on a ranch in Tuapurie in 1949, where he received the name Niukame, or “Sprouting Corn”.
The daughter of members of the Tuapurie community of Jalisco, Xitaima was born in Ruiz, Nayarit in 1953.