Document Archive

Displaying 61 - 80 of 230 Documents | List View
CID Document Title Published Language Section Updated Actions
438 Contrato Forestal de San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán 06 de abril de 1992 Not specified Community Documents 11/12/2023 download
437 Hechos solos y sin respuestas por conflictos de tierras ~ 19 de abril de 1993 Not specified Periodicals 02/14/2024 download
436 Huichols are the new partners in timber exploitation English Periodicals 08/19/2024 download
436 Los huicholes nuevos socios en la explotación maderera Spanish Hemeroteca 08/19/2024 download
435 Mexico is the fourth most deforested country on the orbit: It is also the seventh in atmospheric contamination English Periodicals 08/19/2024 download
435 México es ya el cuarto país más deforestado del Orbe: También es el séptimo en contaminación atmosférica Spanish Hemeroteca 08/19/2024 download
434 Huichols Accuse Outsiders of Causing Divisions Within the Community English Periodicals 08/14/2024 download
434 Acusan huicholes a personas ajenas de causar divisiones a su comunidad Spanish Hemeroteca 08/14/2024 download
433 The Attorney General Will Protect Huichols English Periodicals 08/06/2024 download
433 Protegerá a los huicholes la procuraduría de justicia Spanish Hemeroteca 08/06/2024 download
430 Huichol Governors Meet Today with Rivera Aceves English Periodicals 07/04/2024 download
430 Gobernadores huicholes se reúnen hoy con Rivera Aceves Spanish Hemeroteca 07/04/2024 download
429 Se firmo un convenio entre la comunidad indígena y una empresa forestal ~ 1 de junio de 1993 Not specified Periodicals 02/14/2024 download
428 Huichols Do Not Want More Invasions; They are "Tired" English Periodicals 09/11/2024 download
428 No quieren más invasiones los huicholes; están "cansados" Spanish Hemeroteca 11/27/2024 download
426 Rivera Aceves Visits the Northern Region. Agreements are signed by Huichols for timber industry exploitation English Periodicals 09/11/2024 download
426 Gira de Rivera Aceves por la Zona Norte. Firman convenio los huicholes para explotar empresa forestal. Spanish Hemeroteca 09/11/2024 download
425 Sanitary Summary of the Forests of the Northern Region of [Jalisco] State English Periodicals 09/11/2024 download
425 Síntesis de Sanidad del Bosque en la Región Norte del Estado Spanish Hemeroteca 09/11/2024 download
424 Plagues and Timber Companies Imposed Themselves on the Huichol English Periodicals 10/09/2024 download