Tatéi Yurienaka, Our Mother Fertile Earth /Tatéi Yurienaka, Tatéi kwié tinet+awet+

Mother Earth sees you with her nierika, an instrument of insight that serves as a mirror and shield, represented here in its totality. The nierika is also an offering made with yarn, beads, coins and other materials. The rays symbolize the words of our mother that, according to the artist, "speaks to you, but you caqnnot understand". The lightning, mimierika, are the words of the earth.
Tatéi Yurienaka yunierikaki matsixeiya, xikiri hapai kani‘aneni kaniyuhekiaka, miniereniki kaniyunaki‘erieka taheimá munuakaki, ‘ana kaniutawewiyani ‘aye‘ati. Nierika ta tsiere kanimaiweni wítaki wewiyati, kúkaki, tumíniki, hepatita tsiere. Mutahapane ti‘utikaiti Tatéi kaniniukieyatini kanaineni mita‘utia. “Manahiaweni, peru ta kwape‘i‘enieka”. Mimierika kaniniukieyatini.