Letter to Supporters of the Wixárika (Huichol) Scholarship Fund HSF

Dear Friends of the Huichol Scholarship Fund (HSF),
We are delighted to announce that, despite the pandemic, five more HSF-funded students completed their undergraduate university programs in 2020-21!  
That brings the total number of HSF graduates to eight, one during our first year of operation in 2019 and two in 2020. (Our ninth graduate, Carlos Carillo Lopez will finish in August.)
We congratulate Deysi Lemus Aguilar (Nursing), Herminio Ramirez (Law), Isaias Navarette Chino (Forestry), Virginia Eligio de la Cruz (Pharmacy), and Casiano Martinez Carillo (Primary & Indigenous education) and look forward to many more Wixarika (Huichol) graduates in the next few years. 
It is remarkable that five students were able to complete their studies despite numerous pandemic-driven educational challenges. You can learn more about how our 2020-21 students succeeded in the Spring 2021 HSF Newsletter. Don't miss what students said when we asked them what messages they had for you, our HSF donors! We were touched by their words and hope you are too!
We plan to replace this year’s graduates with new scholarship recipients this fall. To do that, we need your financial support. In early July, Diana and I will look at the HSF bank account and determine how many new students we can accept. Your generosity between now and then will have a large bearing on what we can do. You can donate to the HSF via the Wixarika Research Center website: https://www.wixarika.org/donate (When completing the online PayPal form, please put “Huichol Scholarship Fund” in the space for “Special instructions to the seller.”)  
Diana and I join the HSF students in thanking you for continued generosity and support. We hope you’ll be proud of what we achieved together as you read through the Newsletter.
We are always happy to hear from, answer questions, and receive advice about how to improve the HSF. Never hesitate to contact us.
For the HSF,
Brian McDougall

Brian McDougall
Adjunct Professor, Indigenous & Canadian Studies - Carleton University and 
Peoples' History Walking Tours
Website: www.ottawahistorytours.com
Cell: 613 794-2491 
