Letter to Assembly of Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlán

Letter by Juan Negrín to assembly of Tuapurie in 1994 expressing his ongoing commitment with the community as well as his frustrations with the politics that have interfered in the projects established by ADESMO, a non-profit foundation dedicated to ecology that he founded and directed.

"Estimados Wixaritari, ne matsima, ne im+akate, tuapuritari, waut+ari, tateikietari, estimados hermanos mexicanos:

Algunos de ustedes son mis compadres y mis comadres, 2 de mis hijas han estado en Haramaratsie, donde recibieron nombres en wixárika. También tengo ahijadas y ahijados entre ustedes ¡Pam+pariyutsi!"

Read full Spanish letter here.

Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlán
Juan Negrín