Displaying 181 - 200 of 215 Documents | List View
CID Document Title Published Language Section Updated Actions
286 Declaración Inua Kwaxitua ~ 2 de febrero de 2014 Not specified Wixárika Community Documents 11/05/2023 download
285 Carta a C. Procurador Federal - Procuraduria Federal de Protección al Ambiente ~ 23 de abril de 2018 Not specified Community Documents 11/05/2023 download
284 Reconoce Ernesto Zedillo que se equivocó al combatir y no regular el uso de drogas ~ 25 de septiembre de 2018 Not specified Newspaper Clippings 11/05/2023 download
283 Declaration of Brotherhood and Support to Indigenous Leadership regarding the “Sacred Hikuri-Peyote” ~ May 13, 2020 English Community Documents 11/05/2023 download
283 Declaration of Brotherhood and Support to Indigenous Leadership regarding the “Sacred Hikuri-Peyote” ~ May 13, 2020 English Community Documents 11/05/2023 download
283 Pronunciamiento de Hermandad y Apoyo al Liderazgo Indígena en el tema del Sagrado "Hikuri - Peyote" ~ 5/13/2020 Spanish Community Documents 09/29/2023 download
282 Apology Letter to the Native American Church members in regards to the Inclusion of the Peyote sacrament in Santa Cruz's Resolution to Decriminalize Entheogenic Plants and Fungi ~ August 21, 2020 Not specified Letters 11/05/2023 download
281 Carta a Lic. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Presidente de la República ~ 24/03/2021 Spanish Wixárika Community Documents 08/25/2023 download
254 Carta en respuesta a la Consulta Pública del Estudio Previo Justificativo y el Proyecto de Decreto para la creación de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Wirikuta ~ 13 de noviembre de 2012 Not specified Letters 11/05/2023 download
252 Acta de acuerdo ~ 10/24/2021 Spanish Wixárika Community Documents 08/25/2023 download
218 Why damming rivers, like blocking veins, risks our health English Government Documents 11/21/2022
137 Nierica: Contemporary Huichol Art English 03/06/2024 download
137 Nierica: Arte contemporáneo huichol Spanish 03/06/2024 download
102 Wixárika Research Center Newsletter Summer 2007 English Newsletters 06/21/2023
101 Wixárika Research Center Newsletter Summer 2008 English Newsletters 02/14/2024 download
101 Informe Agosto 2008 Spanish Newsletters 06/21/2023 download
100 Wixárika Research Center Newsletter Winter 2009 English Newsletters 08/04/2022 download
99 Wixárika Research Center Newsletter Spring 2010 English Newsletters 06/21/2023
99 Informe Primavera 2010 Spanish Newsletters 06/21/2023
98 Wixárika Research Center Newsletter Spring 2011 English Newsletters 02/14/2024 download