Wixarika Women's Communitarian Political Participation

Annual Scholarship Fundraiser
As part of our fundraising activities for our Wixárika Scholarship Fund, on Friday March 15, 2024, Kiayerima Marissa López Martínez will be speaking with us about her research and analysis on women’s community level political participation in Wixárika territory. Originally from Wautia, San Sebastián Teponohuaxtlán, Kiayerima holds her undergraduate degree in law and a masters in Feminist Studies and Intervention from the Center for Higher Studies of Mexico and Central America in San Cristóbal, Chiapas. In 2022, her thesis, “In the Discovery of the Heart. The Experience of Wixárika Women in the Traditional Government of San Sebastián Teponohuaxtlán, “Waut+a” has been awarded by Mexico’s highest educational institution of merit. The conversation will be with Dr. Diana Negrín, Associate Director of the Wixárika Research Center. The conversation will be bilingual (Spanish/English) and will be streamed via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.